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Art by Cody James Houle
LinksSkills for Safer Living
"An Intervention for 18-30 year olds with suicide attempts" http://self-help-alliance.ca/?page_id=134 National Aboriginal Housing Association http://www.aboriginalhousing.org/members.html Ontario Works- Financial Assistance 99 Regina St S Waterloo, Ontario N2G 4G6 Phone: (519) 883-2100 TTY: (519) 575-4608 Fax: (519) 883-2331 Maintenance Request FormFor any repairs or damages please download, fill out, and send this form to KW Urban Native Housing. There are 3 ways of handing in the Maintenance Request Form:
Aboriginal Services, Conestoga College
Room: 1A103; 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4 Phone: (519) 748-5220 ext. 2470 or 2251 Fax: (519) 748-3507 Website: http://www.conestogac.on.ca/aboriginal-services/ - Provide counselling/advisement for academic, career, and personal concerns - Provide Student Services including: information about local Aboriginal resources and events, scholarships, bursaries, cultural education, and awareness. Aboriginal Education Centre, University of Waterloo St Paul's United College at the University of Waterloo Westmount Road North, Waterloo Phone: (519) 885-1460 ext. 220 Fax: (519) 885-6364 Website: http://uwaterloo.ca/stpauls/waterloo-aboriginal-education-centre - Provide student services including: admission advocacy, academic and personal counselling, scholarship and bursary information, cultural events and programming, Aboriginal Student Association, career planning, and Aboriginal Cultural awareness training Aboriginal Resource Centre, University of Guelph Room: 102; 620 Gordon Street, Federal Building, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 58704 Fax: (519) 827-0432 Website: http://studentlife.uoguelph.ca/oia/ - Provide admissions, advising, Aboriginal community outreach and recruitment, orientation, bursary and scholarship information, cultural and traditional programming, Aboriginal student advising and support. |
ResourcesAnishnabeg Outreach Employment & Training
236 Woodhaven Rd, Kitchener, ON N2C 1V5 Kitchener, Ontario Phone: (519) 208-5333 Fax: (519) 742-0867 Email: [email protected] 11A Suffolk Street East, Guelph, Ontario N1H 2H7 Phone: (519) 763-5292 Fax: (519) 763-1335 Email: [email protected] Website: http://anishnabegoutreach.org/ - Employment counselling, resume and cover letter assistance, job postings, job search workshops, funding to obtain training opportunities, resource library, community information, advocacy, Native newsletters, daily newspapers, telephone, photocopier, fax, computer and internet access. White Owl Native Ancestry Association 65 Hanson Ave, Kitchener, ON N2C 2H6 Phone: (519) 743-4397 ext. 2798 Fax: (519) 743-8769 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wonaa.ca - Resource and drop-in center for both native and non-Native people in the community - Provide workshops on legal issues, nutrition, prenatal care, budgeting and life skills as well as provide a cultural outlet for their members by selling bead work, carvings, and leather work. Healing of the Seven Generations 300 Frederick St, Kitchener, ON N2H 2N5 Phone: (519) 570-9118 Fax: (519) 570-9301 Website: https://healingofthesevengenerations.ca Contact: Donna Dubie, Executive Director Email: [email protected] - Works with all Indigenous people and community members in the area. - Will assist those individuals who are suffering from any effects of the Legacy of the Residential Schools (including Inter-generational impacts such as: growing up in dysfunctional families, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, poor self-esteem, loss of culture, lack of awareness of cultural identity, teachings, values and traditions, poor self-image, self image as an Indigenous person, and addictions) Ahwenehaode - Indigenous Justice Program Unit 101 450 Frederick St Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 Phone:519-743-0254 Fax: 519-743-1588 Email: [email protected] Website: wrcls.ca/ahwenehaode-indigenous-justice/ -Serving the Region of Waterloo through Waterloo Region Community Legal Services, Guelph and Wellington County through Legal Clinic of Guelph and Wellington County, and the City of Mississauga through Mississauga Community Legal Services. -Improve access to justice for First Nation, Metis and Inuit people by collaborating with Indigenous social agencies and networks to build relationships and trust |